Ana Filipa Martins

Ana Filipa Martins is a lecturer on the undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences and the master’s degree in Communication and Digital Media at the University of the Algarve’s School of Education and Communication.

She holds a PhD in Communication from the joint program of the universities of Seville, Malaga, Huelva and Cadiz, Spain. She has a master’s degree in Communication, Culture and Information Technologies from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and a degree in Communication Sciences, Audiovisuals and Interactive Media, from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

She is currently responsible for the Communication Sciences working group and a member of the Film Studies working group at CIAC. She is a member of the research team behind PROPS – Interactive Narratives Propose Pluralist Discourse, a project funded by FCT.

Research Interests

Communication Sciences; Media History and Literacy; Audiovisual Media; Digital Media; Journalism.

Latest Publications

[2022] Bonacho, F., Martins, A. F., Santos, H., Marôpo, L., Bonixe, L., & Sá, S. D. (2022). Reading the world: journalism, communication, and I. The Journal of Media Literacy – Research Symposium Issue.

[2021] Martins, A. F., & Bonacho, F. (2021, Setembro, 06-09). Media expectations and frustrations among young students of Faro’s Gulbenkian knowledge academy [Comunicação oral]. 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA): Panel: A national media agenda for a Knowledge Gulbenkian Academy: Empowering young citizens, online conference. Prague, Czech Republic.

[2021] Martins, A., Fernández, O., & Aguaded, I. (2021). Larga vida a las actualidades. La difusión de imágenes del pasado en los archivos en línea. Fotocinema. Revista Científica de Cine y Fotografía, (22), 397-426. 

[2019] Martins, A., Novoa Fernández, O., Aguaded, I., & Tavares, M. (2019). It’s online, it’s news: Appropriation of viral narratives by the digital press. CITAR Journal, 11(1), 61-68.

[2017] Martins, A. F., Novoa Fernández, O., & Reia-Baptista, V. (2017, Maio). Para além das fronteiras: desafios metodológicos na investigação sobre jornais cinematográficos em Portugal e Espanha [Comunicação oral]. VII Encontro Anual da AIM. Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal.

[2016] Novoa Fernández, O., & Martins, A. F. (2016). Dinâmicas no consenso: a mudança de regime no cinema de atualidades em Portugal e Espanha. In J. Carrega, & I. Fechine (Orgs.), Perspectivas luso-brasileiras em artes e comunicação. Vol 1: cinema e outras artes (pp. 95-111). CIAC/Universidade Estadual da Paraíba.

[2015] Martins, A. F. (2015). A ilusão da realidade: apontamentos sobre a evolução dos noticiários em Portugal. In J. A. Moreira de Sales & B. M. Mendes da Silva (Orgs.), Arte, tecnologia e poéticas contemporâneas (pp. 287-306). UECE.

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