Isabel Carvalho
Isabel Carvalho has a degree in Architecture from the Escola Superior Artística do Porto (2001), a postgraduate degree in Planning and Design of the Urban Environment from the Faculties of Architecture and Engineering (2004) of the University of Porto and a postgraduate degree in Urban Center Management from the Universidade Moderna do Porto and Núcleos Urbanos de Pesquisa e Intervenção (2003). She has a PhD in Digital Media Art from the Department of Science and Technology at Universidade Aberta and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Algarve (2016), with the thesis “Locative Media Art and Dynamic Mapping in Understanding Urban Flows. The contribution of the mobile device in the exercise of walking as an artistic practice”.
She was a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Animation at the Faculty of Media & Communication – Bournemouth University, UK (2018-2019).
In 2019, her research project “Gender in Map – women empowerment in planning and urban development” was selected for funding in the 1st Stimulus Competition for Scientific Employment – Individual of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Virtual and Augmented Reality and the International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics.
Research Interests
She develops research into processes of appropriation and apprehension of urban spaces, some of which are developed with the community in a collaborative and intergenerational way, through interactive/responsive artistic practices and collaborative mapping. The focus of her research and artistic practice is the interaction between people, urban space and technology. She also conducts research into the relationship between digital education and entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries. She has participated in several national and international projects promoting innovative thinking skills for creative artistic entrepreneurship, as well as digital skills supported by digital pedagogical strategies.
Latest Publications
[2023] Bidarra, J.; Carvalho, I.C.; Afonso, A.V.; Morgado, L. & Rocha, A. (2023). Project IDEAS: Na Innovative Digital Education and Skills Approach. In The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities, 7th Edition. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).
[2023] Carvalho, I.C.; Veiga, P.A. & Bidarra, J. (2023). ARTPRENEUR – Uma proposta diferenciadora para a introdução ao empreendedorismo no ensino das artes. In Aprendendo e ensinando com nativos digitais. Souza, J; Longhi, H. Editora Telesapiens.
[2023] Carvalho, I.C. & Sousa, R.L. (2023). Teaching through Community Artistic Practices in Informal Urban Agriculture Laboratory. In Viana, D.L.; Brandão, E.; Morais, F.; Carvalho, I.C.; Duarte, J.P.; Brandão, N. (Eds.), Emergent Perspectives on Teaching Architecture and Urbanism. (pp. 197-215). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
[2023] Carvalho, I.C. & Nascimento, A. (2023). “Entre caminhos”: Understanding local history through digital fragments of feminist narratives. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality (KUI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 3, 1–6.
[2023] Carvalho, I.C. & Viegas, S.L. (2023). Digital Narratives & Urban Artivist Networks. A theoretical-methodological approach. ARTECH 2023 – Digital Creation Processes, is the 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. November 28-30.
[2023] Jermias, S. V.; Carvalho, I. C. & Soares, A.I. (2023). Média Arte Digital – O Link entre a Escola e a Cidadania Ativa. In Rotura – Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes. Número especial: Novas narrativas e literacia mediática: estratégias e experiências para a cibercidadania. ISSN: 2184- 8661.
[2023] Paula, L.; Nascimento, A. & Carvalho, I.C. (2023). Experimentações digitais em temporalidades históricas. Perspectivas decoloniais da Serra do Lenheiro. ARTECH 2023 – Digital Creation Processes, is the 11th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. November 28-30.
[2022] Carvalho, I.C.; Heemann, C. and Oliveira, T. (2022). MOOCs as a Pedagogical and Strategic Tool in the Implementation of Institutional Policies Related to Gender Inequality in Educational Institutions. In Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies. Maria Loureiro, M.; Loureiro, A. and Gerber, H. (Eds.). IGI Global eEditorial Discovery.
[2021] Carvalho, I.C.; Sousa, M.R. (2021). Uma abordagem ecosófica para o equilíbrio pós-humanista dos ecossistemas sociais: práticas eco-artísticas digitais em ambientes de agricultura urbana. EVOCATIO: Revista luso-brasileira de Filosofia, Artes e Cultura. v. 1 n. 3 (2021): Caleidoscópio de narrativas. ISSN: 2965-4254.
[2021] Carvalho, I. C. (2021). Critical Spatial Thinking in Women’s Resilience for An Inclusive City. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, 4(1), 32–40.
[2021] Carvalho, I.C.; Sousa, M.R. & Viana, D.L. (2021). Uma abordagem metodológica ecosófica aos (AGRO) ecossistemas Urbanos através de intervenções Eco-Artísticas-Digitais. In Revista Húmus. v. 11, n. 25, pp. 61-79. Universidade Federal do Maranhão.
[2021] Carvalho, I.C.; (2021). EDITORIAL – DOSSIÊ INTERNACIONAL BRASIL E PORTUGAL – Leituras, experimentações, práticas comunitárias e coesão social e territorial. Revista Húmus, V.11, n.º 31.
[2021] Carvalho, I.C.; Heemann, C. & Oliveira, T. (2021). Feminist Activism Through the Arts in Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century. A Diachronic Comparative Study Between Portugal And Brazil. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 22(3), 120-131.
[2021] Bidarra, J., Alves da Veiga, P., & Carvalho, I. C. (2021). 4AP – Empreendedorismo na indústria cultural e criativa. New DATA magazine, 05-09-2021. ISSN 2184-9463.
[2021] Godoy, M. J. & Carvalho, I. (2021). Reseña. Griselda Pollock. Visión y diferencia. Feminismo, feminidad e historias del arte. Revista Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia, Nº. 16. Universidad de León, pp.461 – 465. e-ISSN: 2444-0221.
[2021] Carvalho, I. (2021). Revista Húmus(editora convidada). V11, nº25: Brasil e Portugal leituras, experimentações, práticas comunitárias e coesão social e territorial. 11 25.
[2021] Carvalho, I. (2021). Critical Spatial Thinking in Women’s Resilience for An Inclusive City. Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences, 4(1), 32–40.
[2021] Carvalho, I.; Heemann, C. & Oliveira, T. (2021). Feminist Activism Through the Arts in Late 19th Century and Early 20th Century. A Diachronic Comparative Study Between Portugal and Brazil. Journal of International Women’s Studies, 22(3). Bridgewater State University, pp. 120-131. ISSN:1539-8706.
[2021] Carvalho, Isabel; Sousa, Raquel; Leite, David (2021).”Uma abordagem metodológica ecosófica aos (AGRO) ecossistemas Urbanos através de intervenções Eco-Artisticas-Digitais” Revista Húmus. V11, nº25: Brasil e Portugal leituras, experimentações, práticas comunitárias e coesão social e territorial. 11 25 (2021):
[2018] Carvalho, I.C.; Porto, C. & Bidarra, J. (2018). FeelOpo – An interactive installation to explore the “Beat of Oporto”. In International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics. Volume 9. Issue 2. July-December 2018.
[2018] Carvalho, I.C. (2018). Chapter 11: Locative media art in urban space’s analysis. In Viana, D.L., Morais, F. & Vaz, J.V. (Eds.) (2018). Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism. Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
[2017] Carvalho, I.C.; Porto, C. & Bidarra, J. (2017). FeelOpo – Feel(ing) the beat of Oporto. In Proceedings of ACM ARTECH 2017 – 8th International Conference on Digital Arts, Macau, China, September 2017 (ARTECH 2017), p. 183-185. DOI: 10.1145/3106548.3106603.
[2017] Carvalho, I.C. & Viana, D.L. (2017). Desenho colaborativo e urbanização planeada. In Salat, S., Bourdic, L. & Kamya, M. (Coords.). Bases Económicas para uma Urbanização Sustentável: Expansão Urbana Planeada, Quadro Legal e Financiamento Autárquico. Porto, Portugal: Edições Afrontamento, pp. 186-95.
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