Call for Papers

Call for Papers for Journal ROTURA open until 30th April 2024

The call for papers for the upcoming issue of Rotura – Journal of Communication, Culture, and Arts, by CIAC, is now officially open. The thematic dossier will focus on the topic of “Living Fiction.” The call for papers runs until April 30, 2024.

Fictional thinking accompanies human thought itself, as an inventive, plot-driven entity that narrates itself and others as a way of understanding oneself as both weaver and fabric of life. Living Fiction, in these terms, is that in which distinguishing between life and art in the struggle of life and art is no longer possible or the goal.

In the scientific field, a vibrant being investigates the composition of these fictions that mark us as humans, crossing time and the different materialities in which it is possible to weave the body: from the book to the stage; from emulsion to screens; from intimate spaces to exhibition spaces; from social networks to news portals; from digital media to simulators; from sound waves to ever-coming waves.

To adjective as “Living” what is already part of life, Fiction, may seem redundant. But over time and in the various ways that humans fictionalize, in the face of various market forces, sometimes Fiction goes on autopilot, canonizes, chooses a single path, buries itself in paper, film, curtain, the desire to be right and repeat, in the best-selling track, in the power struggle, in extermination, in prohibition… Sometimes calling it “Living” is no longer possible when the creative engine has been turned off, leaving only autopilot, tired eyes, a nodded head, and a trained hand. Sometimes, vitality leaves Fiction.

In this issue, our proposal is to bring to light some cases where Fiction fights for life and to collect, with this dossier, a variety of materialities, creative procedures, and possible fictional experiments reported and analyzed in different areas of human creation, contributing in some way to a broader understanding of Fiction’s potential for living.

From February 1 to April 30, 2024, Rotura – Journal of Communication, Culture, and Arts, from the Research Center for Arts and Communication (CIAC) at the University of Algarve, is accepting Articles, Essays, Interviews, Process Reports, Art Chronicles, and Visual Essays for the thematic dossier “Living Fiction.” The following thematic axes are suggested, but not limited to:

• Invention of being

• Narratives of self and others

• The construction of the subject in/through fiction

• Nature and fiction

• Games and artifices

• History and theories of fiction

• Fictional poetics

• Autofiction

• Metafiction

• Education through fiction

• Literature of emotions

Important Dates:
Deadline for article submission: April 30, 2024

Notification of acceptance: June 28, 2024
Submission of final version: September 13, 2024
Publication: September 30, 2024

The call for the Varia section, which welcomes articles on various topics, as well as for Reviews, Art Chronicles, and Interviews, remains open on a continuous basis.

This issue of the Rotura journal, scheduled for release in September 2024, will be edited by researchers Francisco Silva Cavalcante Jr. (Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil), Mirian Tavares (University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal), and Patrícia Dourado (University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal).

Esta publicação também está disponível em: Portuguese (Portugal)