Mirian Tavares is part of the scientific committee of States Of The Art’ 25
Mirian Tavares, coordinator of CIAC, is part of the scientific committee of SOTA — States Of The Art’ 25: “where is it (going)?” — “meetings on artistic research”.
The SOTA organisation, with the support of research centres and PhD coordinators, has decided to renew SOTA‘23 and has scheduled a new meeting, SOTA’25, for the beginning of July, 2025. The calls for contributions are for oral and written communications, from artistic researchers, artists, art teachers, curators, holders of a PhD, specifically with an Art-Based Research (ABR) nature and that were produced in one of the Portuguese Higher Art Education Institutions (HAEI). They intend to gather, listen and discuss with the 3rd cycle Alumni community of Portuguese HAEI to compare and problematize their view-points on ABR. The main proposal is to address a set of pending issues or questions, within the singularities and differences of each research subject.
Submissions will take place between November 15th, 2024 and January 15th, 2025. The results will be announced on 15 April 15th, 2025, with publication scheduled for June 15th, 2025. The meeting will take place on 3 and 4 July 2025 at the College of Arts, University of Coimbra.
More information (here).
Esta publicação também está disponível em: Portuguese (Portugal)