Bruno Mendes da Silva

Bruno Mendes da Silva holds a Habilitation and Postdoctoral degree in Communication, Culture, and Arts from the University of Algarve (UAlg), a PhD in Literature and Film at UAlg, a post-graduate degree in Arts Management at the Institute of European Studies of Macau (IEEM) and a degree in Film and Video at the Art School of Porto (ESAP). 

He is the President of the Technical-Scientific Council and Director of the Department of Communication at the School of Education and Communication (ESEC) of UAlg and Vice-coordinator of the Research Center in Arts and Communication (CIAC). He is Visiting Professor at Saint Joseph University of Macau. He was a director and producer for Teledifusão de Macau (TDM). He has participated, by invitation, in international festivals of video, digital media art and cinema, such as FRESH (Thailand), Thinking Media (Korea), Dokanema (Mozambique), Loop (Spain), Festival de La Imagen and Ecologias Digitales (Colombia), The Script Road (China) and FILE (Brazil). 

He has participated in twenty-trhee (23) scientific projects (as responsible researcher or research member) and is the author of several books, book chapters and other scientific publications (around 120). He has been an invited speaker in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Tunisia, Mozambique, Brazil, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea and China. He has supervised seven (7) doctoral theses. He is Director of Rotura – Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes (Scopus) and Coordinator of Metared Portugal’s Educational Technologies Working Group.

Research Interests

Interactive Film, Audiovisual Communication, Digital Media-Art, Cyberculture and Visual Culture.

Latest Publications

[2024] Costa, S., Mendes da Silva, B., Filipa Martins, A., & Martins, A. (2024). Perceptions about online hate speech in games and gaming communities: results from a survey in Portugal. Journal of Cyberspace Studies8(1), 145-176. DOI: 10.22059/jcss.2024.95910

[2024] Costa, S., Mendes da Silva, B., Tavares, M. (2024). Online Hate speech in Video Games Communities: A Counter Project. In: Ullmann, S., Tomalin, M. (eds) Counterspeech – Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Countering Dangerous Speech. Routledge. ISBN 9781032454535.

[2024] Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., Mendes da Silva, B. (2024). In[the Hate Booth]: A Case Study on How to Deal with Online Hate Speech. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D., Fernandes-Marcos, A. (eds) Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 33. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2024] Martins, A., Carrega, J., d’Orey, R., Mendes da Silva, B. (2024). From Print to Pixels: Prototyping a Virtual Exhibition for the Faro Museum Poster Collection. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. DIGICOM 2023. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 35. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2024] Martins, A., Mendes da Silva, B. (2024). Text-Image-Movement-Interaction: Written Words and Their Artistic Paradigms in Video and Virtual Systems. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D., Fernandes-Marcos, A. (eds) Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 33. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Argôlo I., Silva, B. M., Borges, G. (2023). “Rejeitorio”: The battle of man against a river: Contextualization and creative process of the second version of the artifact. In Proceedings of Artcech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus)

[2023] Artech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023] Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Costa, S., Silva, B. M. (2023). Âmago II: The Creative Process of an Underwater Vietnamese Self-Portrait . In Proceedings of Artcech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023] Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., da Silva, B.M. (2023). IN[The Hate Booth]: a Gamified Installation to Counteract Hate Speech. In: Brooks, A.L. (eds) ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 479. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Costa, S., Silva, B. M. (2023). Insights from a digital diary: Exploring the Creative Process of the game-installation In[The Hate Booth]. In Proceedings of Artcech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023]Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., da Silva, B.M. (2023). IN[The Hate Booth]: a Gamified Installation to Counteract Hate Speech. In: Brooks, A.L. (eds) ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2022. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 479. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Costa, S., Tavares, M., Bidarra, J., Mendes da Silva, B. (2023). The Enredo Game-Installation: A Proposal to Counter Hate Speech Online. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] d’Orey, R., Martins, A.,  Carrega, J.,  Silva, B. M. (2023). Dematerializing materials: description of the first stages to digitize a museum exhibition with 3D technologies. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality (KUI ’23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 15, 1–8. (Scopus)

[2023] Martins, A., Silva, B.M. (2023). Digital Wor(l)ds: Using Dynamic Typography as a Mean of Artistic Expression in Digital and Audiovisual Settings. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Martins, A.; Silva, B. M. (2023). Palavra-Imagem-Movimento: Subsídios da tipografia para o discurso artístico moderno e contemporâneo. Rotura – Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes, V3(1). DOI:

[2023] Martins, A., Silva, B.M. (2023). Digital Wor(l)ds: Using Dynamic Typography as a Mean of Artistic Expression in Digital and Audiovisual Settings. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III. DIGICOM 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham. (WoS) (Scopus).

[2023] Martins, A., Gavina, A., & Mendes da Silva, B. (2023). Publicidade nativa: Novos desafios para os consumidores online e o papel da literacia mediática e publicitária. Rotura – Revista De Comunicação, Cultura E Artes, 48-63.

[2023] Martins, A., d’Orey, R., Carrega, J.,  Silva, B. M. (2023). The Faro Museum poster collection: Demo of a prototype for a digital exhibit. In Proceedings of Artcech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023] Tavares, C.; Vieira, A.; Silva, B. M. (2023). Screendance Bárbara and its Poetics of BBC Dialogues, or Between Body, Beliefs and the City. Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença. V13, nº2. E-ISSN 2237-2660.

[2023] da Silva, B. M. (2023). Interactive Film: Forking Paths to a Complete Audiovisual Experience. In A. L. Brooks (Ed.), Creating Digitally. Intelligent Systems Reference Library (Vol. 241). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-31360-8_15 Link 

[2023] Silva, B. M. Et al. (2023). Artech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11stInternational Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers, ACM. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5 (suporte impresso).

[2023] Silva, B. M. Et al. (2023). Artech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11stInternational Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings II – Long Papers, ACM. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5 (suporte impresso).

[2023] Santos, P., Silva, B. M. (2023). The Weight of Water: Digital Artefact to blow the whistle on mental health issues in swimming athletes. In Proceedings of Artech 2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023] Perfeito, A., Silva, B. M. (2023). Live Cinema: Composing Linear Narratives through Untouchable Interfaces and the Performers’ Body Movements. In Proceedings of Artcech2023 – Digital Creation Processes, 11st International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, Proceedings I – Short Papers. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. ISBN: 979-8-4007-0872-5. (Scopus) 

[2023] Wexel, J. & Silva, B. M. Tavares, M. (2023). Aesthetic Reflections on Artificial Intellugence in Video Art: Report on the Creation of the Cyberperformance Aretusa Vox. The 10th International Conference on Arts and Humanities, ICOAH 2023, Book of Abstracts, Bangkok, Thailand. ISBN: 978-624-5746-43-9. 

[2022] Costa, S., da Silva, B. M., & Tavares, M. (2022). Tackling online hate speech? In M. Wölfel, J. Bernhardt, & S. Thiel (Eds.), ArtsIT, Interactivity and Game Creation. ArtsIT 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (Vol. 422). Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95531-1_6 (WoS) (Scopus) Link

[2022] Wexell, J.; Mendes da Silva, B.; Vulva Art , Arte Urbana e Média-Arte Digital: Reflexões sobre a estetização da vulva e os discursos estéticos no espaço público – Género y sus conferencias en el siglo XXI, CUICIID 2021, Madrid, Espanha. ISBN 978-84-09-31464-5.

[2021] Silva, Bruno M. (2021), Comunicação Audiovisual: o comboio do amor. Coimbra: Grácio Editor.

[2021] Argôlo, I.; Mendes da Silva, B.; Borges, G. Rejeitorio: An interactive video installation focusing on human impact on the São Francisco River. 2021. Artech 2021: 1oth International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts – Hybrid Praxis – Art, Sustainability and Technology. Aveiro. ISBN 978-1-4503-8420-9.

[2021] Argôlo, Inês; Mendes da Silva, B.; Borges, Gabriela. Rejeitorio: Uma videoinstalação interativa acerca do impacto humano recente sobre o Rio São Francisco. 2021. Anais do VIII Simpósio Internacional de Inovação em Mídias Interativas. València, Espanha : Universitat Politècnica de València; Media Lab / BR. ISSN 2358-0488.

[2021] Argôlo, Inês; Mendes da Silva, B.; Borges, Gabriela. Rejeitorio: Uma videoinstalação interativa acerca do impacto humano recente sobre o Rio São Francisco. 2021. Anais do 20o . Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia. 8vo. Balance-Unbalance. PANORAMAS 2021. València, Espanha. ISSN 2238-0272.

[2021] Costa, S.; Mendes da Silva, B.; Tavares M. Video games and gamification against online hate speech? 2021. Artech 2021: 1oth International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts – Hybrid Praxis – Art, Sustainability and Technology. Aveiro. ISBN 978-1-4503-8420-9.

[2021] Costa, S.; Mendes da Silva, B. Cidade e Jogo: Prototipagem de um Jogo Pervasivo para combater o discurso de ódio online. Revista Húmus. V11, nº25: Brasil e Portugal leituras, experimentações, práticas comunitárias e coesão social e territorial. 2021. ISSN 2236-4358.

[2021] Cristovão A.; Mendes da Silva, B. Nineteen eighty-four: um diálogo entre ficção e contemporaneidade. Rotura – Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes, nº 2, 2021. DOI:

[2021] Mendes da Silva, B. Interatividade fílmica: experiência estética, processos comunicacionais e manipulação temporal. Atas do 24º Seminário de Pesquisa. Revista Tuiti – Ciência e Cultura. V7 – Edição Especial. 2021. DOI: .

[2021] Mendes da Silva, B.; Lunefeld, P.; Shaw, J.; Koenitz, H.; Tavares, M.; Giannetti, C. (2021), The Forking Paths: Interactive Film and Media. Edições Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação. ISBN: 978-989-9023-53-6 (suporte impresso) e 978-989-9023-54-3 (suporte eletrónico).

[2021] Mendes da Silva, B.; Tavares, M.; Araujo, A.; Costa, S. (2021), Cadavre Exquis: Forking Paths from surrealismo to interactive film. The Forking Paths: Interactive Film and Media. Edições Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação. ISBN: 978-989-9023-53-6 (suporte impresso) e 978-989-9023-54-3 (suporte eletrónico).

[2021] Perfeito, A.; Mendes da Silva, B. (2021), “Live Cinema” and the challenges in creating narratives for “real time” performances: A solution based on the “Structure of the three acts”. Rotura – Revista de Comunicação, Cultura e Artes, nº 1.

[2020] Mendes da Silva, B. (Coord.) (2020), ARTeFACTo2020, International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts and Communication, Proceedings. Edições CIAC. ISBN: 978-989-9023-32-1 (suporte impresso) e 978-989-9023-33-8 (suporte eletrónico)

[2020] Mendes da Silva, B. (Eds.) (2020). Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Creation in Arts and Communication, ARTeFACTo2020. Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação

[2020] Mendes da Silva, B. & Costa, S. (2020). “Processos de comunicação e interação mediática: o caso do anão sobre os ombros do gigante”. Texto Digital, vol. 16, n. 2.

[2020] Mendes da Silva, B. & Costa, S. (2020). “Modelos de interatividade e interatividade fílmica total”. Revista Tríade – Comunicação, Cultura e Mídia v. 8 n. 19: Mídias Visuais: arte, imagem, imaginário e audiovisual.

[2020] Tavares, M. N., Mendes da Silva, B., Reia-Batista, V., & António, R. (2019). The Forking Paths Revisited experimenting on Interactive Film. In A. Ursyn (Ed.),Interface Support for Creativity, Productivity, and Expression in Computer Graphics (pp. 150-166). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-7371-5.ch007.

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